About Us:
Welcome to this Website!
This website is dedicated to providing information to the owners at Montoya Condos about our Board of Directors and will include minutes of the Board’s bimonthly get togethers.
Do you know how our HOA monies are being spent? Neither do we.
The Board can spend our money any way they want, however they are bound by law to disclose how it is used.
They are refusing to provide to do so, they operate in secrecy.
We will continue to insist we get the records we all are entitled to see and will post the information on this website as we get them:
-Copies of Paid Invoices
-Copies of Contracts/Proposals
*Copies of Board meeting minutes that state who voted and how on each issue
If you have any questions please email us at: Concerned@MontoyaConcernedOwners.com